Lab safety video library
Dow safety academy
C&EN Safety letters
Working with pyrophoric liquids (1) (2) (3)
UCLA SOPs and list of hazardous chemicals
Solvent selection guide (1) (2) (3)
ESI-MS impurities
A Values
pKa Table
Bond dissociation energies
Azeotrope database
Solvent properties
NMR database
Misc databases
Clausius Clapeyron calculator
Kinetic and thermodynamic calculations
Hammet constants (1) (2)
Reactions in the pharmaceutical industry (1) (2) (3) (4)
Nucleophilicity and electrophilicity scales
Flow chem & HTE
Crystal growing
Flash column chromatography
Cooling baths
Acid and base stock solutions
TLC stains
Schlenk techniques
Purification of organic chemicals
Titrating organometallics (1) (2)
Effective carbon number for FID quantification
NMR yield calculation
Kinetic isotope effects
Kinetics for synthetic chemists
Automated chromatography guide
Expected isotope distribution in mass spec
Backpressure calculator
In-house packed bed reactors
All about fittings
Mixing and RTDs in microreactors (1) (2) (3)
Problem sets
Upcoming conferences
Collums group resources
List of best selling drugs
Not Voodoo
Chemistry dictionary for word processing
How to give a good talk
The Craft of Scientific Presentations
How to write a good paper
Fundamentals of HPLC
RSS feed journal list
Formatting organic chemistry schemes
NMR guidelines for ACS journals
WebPlotDigitizer - Reverse engineer graphics
Meta-list of free organic chemistry resources
Lecture notes and presentations
Evans course notes
Myers course notes
Baran (Heterocycles) (Seminars)
White organometallic course notes
Harned advanced synthesis notes
Burke group seminars
Denmark group seminars
MacMillan group seminars